Campanula trachelium

It is a Eurasian blue wildflower native to Denmark and England and now . Known as the blue foxglove. A stately woodland plant or garden border specimen. Campanula trachelium P. Flowers: July to Sept.

Campanula trachelium

Nettle-leaved . Hübsche nesselblättrige, heimische Waldstaude, die sich stark über Selbstaussaat verbreitet und mit Trockenheit gut zurechtkommt. Sie eignet sich auch für . Stängel scharfkantig. Untere Blätter herzförmig, gestielt, oberste lanzettlich, sitzen über 2 . A tall, unbranched native perennial common across England. The common name is a fair description of the plant which has attractive mid blue, bell shaped flowers and . Its native habitat is alkaline soils in woodlan scrubby . Slender tall stems carry rich blue flowers, the edges of which curl outwards revealing an inner ring of petals inside the flower.

Large, mid green leaves are carried . Image Unavailable. Click to open expanded view. Throatwort Bellflower. Die Pflanzen wachsen in . USDA Zone: 4-9. Plant number: 1. Type: Perennial.

Campanula trachelium

Sow: Spring or Autumn. White bats-in-the- belfry White nettle-leaved bellflower White throatwort, including varieties and . Name authority: UKSI. Establishment means: Native.

This species occasionally escapes cultivation in . CAMPANULA trachelium var. Album) Portion(en). Mind Feels limite a rope around his neck. Likes to break out, go away and put an end to this situation. Chased by others and . Rate this product.

Campanula trachelium

Profusions of showy violet-blue flowers, their delicate layers of petals opening widely, . Trust Boston Seeds to supply quality . Go To Encyclopedia of Life. Originating in a small nursery in Scotlan this is a lovely hybrid . Bats-in-the-Belfry.


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